Here you can find a complete list of our publications, which are ordered by year and type of publication (regular papers, popular science papers and conference proceedings). They are fully downloadable and any comment/suggestion is welcome.
I. Sendiña Nadal, M. M. Danziger, Z. Wang, S. Havlin, and S. Boccaletti,
“Assortativity and leadership emerge from anti-preferential attachment in
heterogeneous networks,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, p. 21297, Feb.
2016, 1508.03528.
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Abstract ]
J. Buldu, R. Sevilla-Escoboza, J. Aguirre, D. Papo, and R. Gutierrez,
“Interconnecting networks: the role of connector links,” in
Interconnected Networks (A. Garas, ed.), refereed 10, pp. 61-77, New York:
Springer, 2016.
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pdf ]
R. Sevilla-Escoboza, J. M. Buldú, S. Boccaletti, D. Papo, D. U. Hwang,
G. Huerta-Cuellar, and R. Gutiérrez, “Experimental implementation of
maximally synchronizable networks,” Physica A, vol. 448, pp. 1-7,
2016, 1507.02551.
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arXiv |
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Abstract ]
V. Makarov, a.a. Koronovskii, V. Maksimenko, a.E. Hramov, O. Moskalenko,
J. Buldú, and S. Boccaletti, “Emergence of a multilayer structure in
adaptive networks of phase oscillators,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,
vol. 84, pp. 23-30, 2016.
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html ]
D. Papo, M. Zanin, J. H. Martínez, and J. M. Buldú, “Beware of the
Small-world neuroscientist !,” vol. 10, no. March, pp. 1-4, 2016.
[ bib |
A. Navas, J. A. Villacorta-Atienza, I. Leyva, J. A. Almendral,
I. Sendina-Nadal, and S. Boccaletti, “Effective centrality and explosive
synchronization in complex networks,” Physical Review E, vol. 92,
p. 062820, Dec. 2015, 1503.00954.
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Abstract ]
P. Ariza, E. Solesio-Jofre, J. H. Martinez, J. a. Pineda-Pardo, G. Niso,
F. Maestu, and J. M. Buldu, “Evaluating the effect of aging on interference
resolution with time-varying complex networks analysis,” Frontiers in
Human Neuroscience, vol. 9, no. May, p. Article 255, 2015.
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Abstract ]
D. Malagarriga, M. a. García-Vellisca, A. E. P. Villa, J. M. Buldú,
J. García-Ojalvo, and A. J. Pons, “Synchronization-based computation
through networks of coupled oscillators,” Frontiers in Computational
Neuroscience, vol. 9, no. August, pp. 1-13, 2015.
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Abstract ]
R. Sevilla-Escoboza, R. Gutierrez, G. Huerta-Cuellar, S. Boccaletti,
J. Gomez-Gardenes, a. Arenas, and J. M. Buldu, “Enhancing the stability of
the synchronization of multivariable coupled oscillators,” Physical
Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, vol. 92, no. 3,
pp. 1-7, 2015, 1508.06887.
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Abstract ]
G. Tirabassi, R. Sevilla-Escoboza, J. M. Buldú, and C. Masoller,
“Inferring the connectivity of coupled oscillators from time-series
statistical similarity analysis,” Scientific Reports, vol. 5,
p. 10829, 2015.
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Abstract ]
B. Podobnik, D. Horvatic, T. Lipic, M. Perc, J. M. Buldú, and H. E.
Stanley, “The cost of attack in competing networks,” Journal of The
Royal Society Interface, vol. 12, no. 112, p. 20150770, 2015, 1501.04348.
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html ]
J. H. Martinez, P. Ariza, M. Zanin, D. Papo, F. Maestu, J. M. Pastor, R. Bajo,
S. Boccaletti, and J. M. Buldu, “Anomalous consistency in mild cognitive
impairment: A complex networks approach,” Chaos Solitons & Fractals,
vol. 70, pp. 144-155, 2015.
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Abstract ]
R. Sevilla-Escoboza, J. M. Buldu, A. N. Pisarchik, S. Boccaletti, and
R. Gutierrez, “Synchronization of intermittent behavior in ensembles of
multistable dynamical systems,” Physical Review E, vol. 91, no. 3,
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Abstract ]
D. de Santos-Sierra, I. Sendiña-Nadal, I. Leyva, J. a. Almendral, A. Ayali,
S. Anava, C. Sanchez-Avila, and S. Boccaletti, “Graph-based unsupervised
segmentation algorithm for cultured neuronal networks' structure
characterization and modeling,” Cytometry Part A, vol. 87, no. 6,
pp. 513-523, 2015.
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Abstract ]
I. Sendiña Nadal, I. Leyva, A. Navas, J. A. Villacorta-Atienza, J. A.
Almendral, Z. Wang, and S. Boccaletti, “Effects of degree correlations on
the explosive synchronization of scale-free networks,” Phys. Rev. E,
vol. 91, p. 032811, 2015.
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Abstract ]
A. Navas, D. Papo, S. Boccaletti, F. Del-Pozo, R. Bajo, F. Maestú, J. H.
Martínez, P. Gil, I. Sendiña-Nadal, and J. M. Buldú, “Functional
hubs in mild cognitive impairment,” International Journal of
Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 25, no. 03, p. 1550034, 2015.
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Abstract ]
D. Papo, J. Buldu, and S. Boccaletti, “Network theory in neuroscience,” in
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (A. Garas, ed.),
refereed 10, pp. 1-21, New York: Springer, 2014.
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J. Aguirre, R. Sevilla-Escoboza, R. Gutierrez, D. Papo, and J. M. Buldu,
“Synchronization of interconnected networks: The role of connector nodes,”
Physical Review Letters, vol. 112, no. 24, 2014.
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Abstract ]
D. Papo, J. M. Buldu, S. Boccaletti, and E. T. Bullmore, “Complex network
theory and the brain,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
B-Biological Sciences, vol. 369, no. 1653, 2014.
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html ]
D. Papo, M. Zanin, J. Angel Pineda-Pardo, S. Boccaletti, and J. M. Buldu,
“Functional brain networks: great expectations, hard times and the big leap
forward,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological
Sciences, vol. 369, no. 1653, 2014.
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Abstract ]
D. Papo, M. Zanin, and J. M. Buldu, “Reconstructing functional brain networks:
have we got the basics right?,” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,
vol. 8, 2014.
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S. Boccaletti, G. Bianconi, R. Criado, C. I. del Genio, J. Gomez-Gardeñes,
M. Romance, I. Sendiña-Nadal, Z. Wang, and M. Zanin, “The structure and
dynamics of multilayer networks,” Physics Reports, vol. 544, no. 1,
pp. 1-122, 2014.
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Abstract ]
D. de Santos-Sierra, I. Sendiña-Nadal, I. Leyva, J. A. Almendral, S. Anava,
A. Ayali, D. Papo, and S. Boccaletti, “Emergence of small-world anatomical
networks in self-organizing clustered neuronal cultures,” Plos One,
vol. 9, no. 1, 2014.
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Abstract ]
D. de Santos-Sierra, I. Sendiña-Nadal, I. Leyva, J. A. Almendral, A. Ayali,
S. Anava, C. Sánchez-Ávila, and S. Boccaletti, “Graph-based unsupervised
segmentation algorithm for cultured neuronal networks' structure
characterization and modeling,” Cytometry Part A, 2014.
DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.22591.
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Abstract ]
R. Gutierrez, R. Sevilla-Escoboza, P. Piedrahita, C. Finke, U. Feudel, J. M.
Buldu, G. Huerta-Cuellar, R. Jaimes-Reategui, Y. Moreno, and S. Boccaletti,
“Generalized synchronization in relay systems with instantaneous coupling,”
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 88, no. 5, 2013.
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Abstract ]
J. Aguirre, D. Papo, and J. M. Buldu, “Successful strategies for competing
networks,” Nat. Phys., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 230-234, 2013.
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Abstract ]
I. Leyva, I. Sendina-Nadal, J. A. Almendral, A. Navas, S. Olmi, and
S. Boccaletti, “Explosive synchronization in weighted complex networks,”
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 88, no. 4, 2013.
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Abstract ]
I. Leyva, A. Navas, I. Sendina-Nadal, J. A. Almendral, J. M. Buldu, M. Zanin,
D. Papo, and S. Boccaletti, “Explosive transitions to synchronization in
networks of phase oscillators,” Sci. Rep., vol. 3, 2013.
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Abstract ]
V. Avalos Gaytán, J. Almendral, D. Papo, S. Schaeffer, and S. Boccaletti,
“Assortative and modular networks are shaped by adaptive synchronization
processes,” Physical Review E - Rapid Communication, vol. (R)86,
p. 015101, 2012.
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Abstract ]
M. Zanin, R. Gutierrez, R. Bajo, J. M. Buldu, D. Papo, and S. Boccaletti,
“THEME SECTION: Dynamics and Processes of Complex Networks,” Int. J.
of Bifurcat. and Chaos, vol. 22, no. 7, 2012.
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E. F. Lavia, A. Chernomoretz, J. M. Buldu, M. Zanin, and P. Balenzuela,
“Modeling the evolution of item rating netwokrs using time-domain
preferential attachment,” Int. J. of Bifurcat. and Chaos, vol. 22,
no. 7, 2012.
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Abstract ]
J. M. Buldu, I. Sendina-Nadal, I. Leyva, J. A. Almendral, M. Zanin, and
S. Boccaletti, “Nonlocal analysis of modular roles,” Int. J. of
Bifurc. and Chaos, vol. 22, no. 7, 2012.
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Abstract ]
I. Leyva, S.-E. R., J. M. Buldú, I. Sendiña-Nadal,
J. Gómez-Gardeñes, A. A., M. Y., G. S., J.-R. R., and B. S.,
“Explosive first-order transition to synchrony in networked chaotic
oscillators,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 108, p. 168702, 2012.
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Abstract ]
A. A. Rad, I. Sendiña-Nadal, D. Papo, M. Zanin, J. M. Buldu, F. del Pozo,
and S. Boccaletti, “Topological measure locating the effective crossover
between segregation and integration in a modular network,” Phys. Rev.
Lett., vol. 108, no. 21, 2012.
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Abstract ]
R. Gutierrez, I. Sendiña-Nadal, M. Zanin, D. Papo, and S. Boccaletti,
“Targeting the dynamics of complex networks,” Sci. Rep., vol. 2,
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, R. Criado, I. Leyva, J. Buldú, and I. Sendiña-Nadal,
“Mesoscales in complex networks,” Chaos, vol. 21, p. 016101, 2011.
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Abstract ]
J. M. Buldú, R. Bajo, F. Maestu, N. Castellanos, I. Leyva, P. Gil,
I. Sendiña-Nadal, J. A. Almendral, A. Nevado, F. del Pozo, and
S. Boccaletti, “Reorganization of functional networks in mild cognitive
impairment,” PLoS ONE, vol. 6, p. e19584, 2011.
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Abstract ]
I. Leyva, A. Navas, I. Sendiña-Nadal, J. M. Buldú, J. A. Almendral, and
S. Boccaletti, “Synchronization waves in geometric networks,” Physical
Review E, vol. 84, pp. 065101-1(R), 2011.
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Abstract ]
N. P. Castellanos, I. Leyva, J. M. Buldú, R. Bajo, N. Paúl, P. Cuesta,
V. E. Ordóñez, C. L. Pascua, S. Boccaletti, F. Maestú, and F. del Pozo,
“Principles of recovery from traumatic brain injury: Reorganization of
functional networks,” NeuroImage, vol. 55, pp. 1189-1199, 2011.
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Abstract ]
M. Zanin, D. Papo, I. Sendiña-Nadal, and S. Boccaletti, “Computation as an
emergent feature of adaptive synchronization,” Phys. Rev. E, vol. 84,
no. 6, 1, 2011.
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Abstract ]
I. Sendiña-Nadal, J. M. Buldú and, I. Leyva, R. Bajo, J. A. Almendral,
and F. del Pozo, “Integration versus segregation in functional brain
networks,” Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 58,
no. 10, pp. 3004 -3007, 2011.
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Abstract ]
I. Sendiña-Nadal, Y. Ofran, J. A. Almendral, J. Buldú, I. Leyva, D. Li,
S. Havlin, and S. Boccaletti, “Unveiling protein functions through the
dynamics of the interaction network,” PLoS ONE, vol. 6, no. 3,
p. e17679, 2011.
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, I. Leyva, L. Daqing, I. Sendiña-Nadal, H. Shlomo, and
S. Boccaletti, “Dynamics of overlapping structures in modular networks,”
Physical Review E, vol. 82, p. 016115, 2010.
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, I. Leyva, I. Sendiña-Nadal, and S. Boccaletti, “Interacting
oscillators in complex networks: synchronization and the emergence of
scale-free topologies,” International Journal of Bifurcacion and
Chaos, vol. 20, pp. 1-11, 2010.
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Abstract ]
M. Zanin, J. M. Buldú, and S. Boccaletti, “Networks of springs: a
practical approach,” Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 3, p. 827,
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Abstract ]
J. Tiana-Alsina, J. M. Buldú, M. C. Torrent, and J. García-Ojalvo,
“Quantifying stochasticity in the dynamics of delay-coupled semiconductor
lasers via forbidden patterns,” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, vol. 368,
p. 367, 2010.
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Abstract ]
I. Leyva, I Sendiña-Nadal, J. Almendral, J. Buldú, D. Li, S. Havlin,
and S. Boccaletti, “Entrainment competition in complex networks,”
International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, vol. 20, pp. 827-833,
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, I. Sendiña-Nadal, I. Leyva, D. Yu, and S. Boccaletti,
“Regulating synchronous states of complex networks by pinning interaction
with an external node,” Physical Review E, vol. 80, p. 066111, 2009.
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, I. Leyva, and I. Sendiña-Nadal, “Enhancing network
synchronization by sparse repulsive couplings,” International Journal
of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 19(2), pp. 711-717, 2009.
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Abstract ]
J. Aguirre, J. M. Buldú, and S. C. Manrubia, “Evolutionary dynamics on
networks of selectively neutral genotypes: Effects of topology and sequence
stability,” Physical Review E, vol. 80, p. 066112, 2009.
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Abstract ]
A. Wagemakers, J. M. Buldú, M. A. F. Sanjuan, O. de Luis, A. Izquierdo, and
A. Coloma, “Entraining synthetic genetic oscillators,” Chaos,
vol. 19, p. 0033139, 2009.
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Abstract ]
M. Zanin, P. Cano, J. M. Buldú, and O. Celma, “Preferential attachment,
aging and weights in recommendation systems,” International Journal of
Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 19, p. 755, 2009.
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Abstract ]
K. Staliunas, G. J. Valcarcel, J. M. Buldú, and J. García-Ojalvo,
“Noise-induced phase bistability via stochastic rocking,” Phys. Rev.
Lett., vol. 102, p. 010601, 2009.
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Abstract ]
I. Leyva, I Sendiña-Nadal, J. Buldú, J. Almendral, and S. Boccaletti,
“Generation of scale-free topology in complex networks by phase
entrainment,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 40,
pp. 923-930, 2009.
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Abstract ]
I. Sendiña-Nadal, I. Leyva, J. Buldú, J. A. Almendral, and
S. Boccaletti, “Entraining the topology and the dynamics of a network of
phase oscillators,” Phys. Rev. E, vol. 79, p. 046105, 2009.
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Abstract ]
T. Teitelbaum, P. Balenzuela, P. Cano, and J. M. Buldú, “Community
structures and role detection in music networks,” Chaos, vol. 18,
p. 043105, 2008.
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Abstract ]
M. Zanin, J. M. Buldú, P. Cano, and S. Boccaletti, “Disorder and decision
cost in spatial networks,” Chaos, vol. 18, p. 023103, 2008.
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Abstract ]
A. Wagemakers, J. M. Buldú, and M. A. F. Sanjuan, “Experimental
demonstration of bidirectional chaotic communication by means of isochronal
synchronization,” Europhysics Letters, vol. 81, p. 40005, 2008.
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Abstract ]
D. Li, I. Leyva, J. Almendral, I. Sendiña-Nadal, J. Buldú, S. Havlin,
and S. Boccaletti, “Synchronization interfaces and overlapping communities
in complex networks,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 101, p. 168701, 2008.
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Abstract ]
N. Sungar, E. Allaria, I. Leyva, and F. Arecchi, “Comparison of single neuron
models in terms of synchronization propensity,” Chaos, vol. 18,
p. 033108, 2008.
Also selected paper in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
16, 3 (2008).
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Abstract ]
K. Al Naimee, I. Leyva, I. Perez-Marino, and F. Arecchi, “Noise effects in
intrinsic laser polarization switching,” Physical Review A, vol. 77,
p. 063803, 2008.
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Abstract ]
I. Sendiña-Nadal, J. Buldú, I. Leyva, and S. Boccaletti, “Phase
locking induces scale-free topologies in networks of coupled oscillators,”
PLoS ONE, vol. 3, 2008.
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Abstract ]
V. Beato, I. Sendiña-Nadal, I. Gerdes, and H. Engel, “Coherence resonance
in a chemical excitable system driven by coloured noise,” Philosophical
Transactions Of The Royal Society A, vol. 366, pp. 381-395, 2008.
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, J. Oliveira, L. Lopez, M. Sanjuan, and J. Mendes, “The interplay
of universities and industry through the fp5 network,” New Journal Of
Physics, vol. 9, 2007.
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral and A. Diaz-Guilera, “Dynamical and spectral properties of
complex networks,” New Journal Of Physics, vol. 9, 2007.
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, J. Oliveira, L. Lopez, J. Mendes, and M. Sanjuan, “The network
of scientific collaborations within the european framework programme,”
Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications, vol. 384,
pp. 675-683, 2007.
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Abstract ]
A. Wagemakers, J. M. Buldú, and M. A. F. Sanjuan, “Isochronous
synchronization in mutually coupled chaotic circuits,” Chaos, vol. 17,
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Abstract ]
J. M. Buldú, P. Cano, M. Koppenberger, J. A. Almendral, and S. Boccaletti,
“The complex network of musical tastes,” New Journal Of Physics,
vol. 9, 2007.
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Abstract ]
J. M. Buldu, M. C. Torrent, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Synchronization in
semiconductor laser rings,” Journal Of Lightwave Technology, vol. 25,
pp. 1549-1554, 2007.
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Abstract ]
J. M. Buldu, A. Wagemakers, M. A. F. Sanjuan, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo,
“Electronic design of synthetic genetic networks,” International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 17, pp. 3507-3511, 2007.
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X. Vidal, P. Balenzuela, J. M. Buldu, J. Martorell, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo,
“Coincidence detection of inharmonic pulses in a nonlinear crystal.,”
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, vol. 75, p. 012902, 2007.
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Abstract ]
C. M. Gonzalez, J. M. Buldu, M. C. Torrent, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Processing
distributed inputs in coupled excitable lasers,” Physical Review A,
vol. 76, 2007.
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Abstract ]
S. Boccaletti, J. M. Buldu, R. Criado, J. Flores, V. Latora, J. Pello, and
M. Romance, “Multiscale vulnerability of complex networks.,” Chaos,
vol. 17, p. 043110, 2007.
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Abstract ]
J. Park, O. Celma, M. Koppenberger, P. Cano, and J. M. Buldu, “The social
network of contemporary popular musicians,” International Journal Of
Bifurcation And Chaos, vol. 17, pp. 2281-2288, 2007.
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Abstract ]
O.-U. Kheowan, E. Mihaliuk, B. Blasius, I. Sendiña-Nadal, and K. Showalter,
“Wave mediated synchronization of nonuniform oscillatory media,” Phys
Rev Lett, vol. 98, p. 074101, 2007.
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Abstract ]
P. Balenzuela, J. M. Buldu, M. Casanova, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Episodic
synchronization in dynamically driven neurons.,” Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin
Soft Matter Phys, vol. 74, p. 061910, 2006.
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Abstract ]
J. M. Buldu, K. Staliunas, J. Casals, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Bistable phase
control via rocking in a nonlinear electronic oscillator,” Chaos,
vol. 16, 2006.
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Abstract ]
J. M. Buldu, T. Heil, I. Fischer, M. c. Torrent, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo,
“Episodic synchronization via dynamic injection.,” Phys Rev Lett,
vol. 96, p. 024102, 2006.
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Abstract ]
P. Cano, O. Celma, M. Koppenberger, and J. Buldu, “Topology of music
recommendation networks,” Chaos, vol. 16, 2006.
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Abstract ]
I. Da Silva, J. Buldu, C. Mirasso, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Synchronization by
dynamical relaying in electronic circuit arrays,” Chaos, vol. 16,
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Abstract ]
I. Fischer, R. Vicente, J. M. Buldu, M. Peil, C. R. Mirasso, M. c. Torrent, and
J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Zero-lag long-range synchronization via dynamical
relaying.,” Phys Rev Lett, vol. 97, p. 123902, 2006.
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Abstract ]
A. Lopera, J. M. Buldu, M. c. Torrent, D. R. Chialvo, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo,
“Ghost stochastic resonance with distributed inputs in pulse-coupled
electronic neurons.,” Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys,
vol. 73, p. 021101, 2006.
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Abstract ]
A. Wagemakers, J. Buldu, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, and M. Sanjuan, “Synchronization of
electronic genetic networks,” Chaos, vol. 16, 2006.
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Abstract ]
I. Leyva, I. Sendina-Nadal, J. Almendral, and M. Sanjuan, “Sparse repulsive
coupling enhances synchronization in complex networks,” Physical Review
E, vol. 74, p. 056112(7), 2006.
Also selected paper in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
12, 41 (2006).
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Abstract ]
R. Meucci, F. Salvadori, I. Leyva, I. Marino, K. Al Naimee, and M. Capo,
“Polarization selection by optical feedback,” Optics Communications,
vol. 268, pp. 169-173, 2006.
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Abstract ]
S. Zambrano, E. Allaria, S. Brugioni, I. Leyva, R. Meucci, M. Sanjuan, and
F. Arecchi, “Numerical and experimental exploration of phase control of
chaos,” Chaos, vol. 16, 2006.
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Abstract ]
I. Sendiña-Nadal, M. decastro, and M. Gomez-Gesteira, “Kinematic
description of wave propagation through a chemical diode,” Chaos,
vol. 16, 2006.
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, L. Lopez, V. Cholvi, and M. Sanjuan, “Congestion schemes and
nash equilibrium in complex networks,” Physica A-Statistical Mechanics
And Its Applications, vol. 355, pp. 602-618, 2005.
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Abstract ]
J. Buldu, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, and M. Torrent, “Demultiplexing chaos from
multimode semiconductor lasers,” Ieee Journal Of Quantum Electronics,
vol. 41, pp. 164-170, 2005.
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Abstract ]
J. Buldu, C. Gonzalez, J. Trull, M. Torrent, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo,
“Coupling-mediated ghost resonance in mutually injected lasers,”
Chaos, vol. 15, 2005.
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Abstract ]
V. Beato, I. Sendiña-Nadal, I. Gerdes, and H. Engel, “Noise-induced wave
nucleations in an excitable chemical reaction,” Phys Rev E, vol. 71,
p. 035204R, 2005.
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Abstract ]
J. Almendral, L. Fernandez, V. Cholvi, and M. Sanjuan, “Oblivious router
policies and nash equilibrium,” Iscc2004: Ninth International Symposium
On Computers And, pp. 736-741, 2004.
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Abstract ]
J. Buldu, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, M. Torrent, J. Sancho, C. Mirasso, and D. Chialvo,
“External noise in semiconductor lasers,” Fluctuations And Noise In
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J. Buldu, C. Gonzalez, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, M. Torrent, J. Trull, C. Mirasso, and
D. Chialvo, “Ghost resonance in coupled lasers,” Experimental Chaos,
vol. 742, pp. 247-252, 2004.
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J. Buldu, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, and M. Torrent, “Multimode synchronization and
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J. m. Buldu, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, and M. c. Torrent, “Delay-induced resonances in
an optical system with feedback.,” Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter
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M. s. Baptista, S. Boccaletti, K. Josic, and I. Leyva, “Irrational phase
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I. Leyva, E. Allaria, and R. Meucci, “Polarization dynamics in a co2 laser,”
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R. Meucci, I. Leyva, and E. Allaria, “Polarization instabilities in a
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I. Leyva, E. Allaria, S. Boccaletti, and F. Arecchi, “In phase and antiphase
synchronization of coupled homoclinic chaotic oscillators,” Chaos,
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J. Almendral and M. Sanjuan, “Integrability and symmetries for the helmholtz
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L. Lopez, J. Almendral, and M. Sanjuan, “Complex networks and the www
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J. Buldu, D. Chialvo, C. Mirasso, M. Torrent, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Ghost
resonance in a semiconductor laser with optical feedback,” Europhysics
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J. Buldu, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, M. Torrent, R. Vicente, T. Perez, and C. Mirasso,
“Entrainment of optical low-frequency fluctuations is enhanced by
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C. Mirasso, J. Buldu, D. Chialvo, M. Torrent, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Ghost
resonance in a semiconductor laser operating in an excitable regime,”
Fluctuations And Noise In Photonics And Quantum Optics, vol. 5111,
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F. t. Arecchi, E. Allaria, and I. Leyva, “Propensity criterion for networking
in an array of coupled chaotic systems.,” Phys Rev Lett, vol. 91,
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I. Leyva, E. Allaria, and R. Meucci, “Transient polarization dynamics in a co2
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I. Leyva, E. Allaria, and R. Meucci, “Polarization and spatial competition in
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I. Leyva, E. Allaria, S. Boccaletti, and F. t. Arecchi, “Competition of
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F. Arecchi, E. Allaria, I. Leyva, and S. Boccaletti, “Synchronization domains
in arrays of chaotic homoclinic systems,” 2003 International Conference
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J. Buldu, F. Rogister, J. Trull, C. Serrat, M. Torrent, C. Mirasso, and
J. Garcia-Ojalvo, “Dynamics of power distribution in multimode semiconductor
lasers with optical feedback,” Physics And Simulation Of Optoelectronic
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J. Buldu, F. Rogister, J. Trull, C. Serrat, M. Torrent, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, and
C. Mirasso, “Asymmetric and delayed activation of side modes in multimode
semiconductor lasers with optical feedback,” Journal Of Optics
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J. m. Buldu, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, C. R. Mirasso, and M. c. Torrent, “Stochastic
entrainment of optical power dropouts.,” Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft
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J. Buldu, R. Vicente, T. Perez, C. Mirasso, M. Torrent, and J. Garcia-Ojalvo,
“Periodic entrainment of power dropouts in mutually coupled semiconductor
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J. Buldu, J. Trull, M. Torrent, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, and C. Mirasso, “Dynamics of
modal power distribution in a multimode semiconductor laser with optical
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I. Leyva and J. Guerra, “Time-resolved pattern evolution in a large-aperture
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I. Sendiña-Nadal, M. de Castro, F. Sagues, and M. Gomez-Gesteira,
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J. m. Buldu, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, C. r. Mirasso, M. c. Torrent, and J. m. Sancho,
“Effect of external noise correlation in optical coherence resonance.,”
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F. Encinas-Sanz, I. Leyva, and J. Guerra, “Time averaging of irregular
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I. Leyva, E. Allaria, and R. Meucci, “Polarization competition in a
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S. Alonso, I. Sendiña-Nadal, V. Perez-Muñuzuri, J. m. Sancho, and
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I. Sendiña-Nadal, E. Mihaliuk, J. Wang, V. Perez-Muñuzuri, and
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I. Sendiña-Nadal and V. Perez-Muñuzuri, “Noise-enhanced wave train
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I. Sendiña-Nadal, V. Perez-Muñuzuri, V. m. Eguiluz,
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F. Encinas-Sanz, I. Leyva, and J. Guerra, “Time-resolved spatiotemporal
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I. Leyva and J. Guerra, “The role of the molecular dynamics in the local
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F. Encinas-Sanz, I. Leyva, and J. Guerra, “Time resolved pattern evolution in
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I. Sendiña-Nadal, S. Alonso, V. Perez-Muñuzuri, M. Gomez-Gesteira,
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O. Calderon, I. Leyva, and J. Guerra, “Effect of the solvent viscosity on the
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O. Calderon, I. Leyva, and J. Guerra, “The role of the solvent viscosity on
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I. Leyva and J. Guerra, “A compacted ernst-electrodes profile for pulsed
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I. Sendiña-Nadal, V. Perez-Muñuzuri, M. Gomez-Gesteira, A. Munuzuri,
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J. Guerra, I. Leyva, and O. Calderon, “Local irregular intensity fluctuations
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I. Sendiña-Nadal, D. Roncaglia, D. Vives, V. Perez-Muñuzuri,
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